Watch Your Language

Language was supposed to be a tool that made humans superior over animals, gave us power to express our thoughts. But this language of ours comes with a big asterisk. I believe that most of the issues today are because we talk too much. Reminds me of that saying “pen is mightier than sword”, words

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What Is Desire

Last night I accidently played a romantic Chinese series on Netflix. Two episodes down and I saw myself binge watching it for the whole night. Trust me it was not a series worth doing binge watching (I’m more of a sci-fi-action-thriller girl) but I ended up doing it anyways, reasons for which I will tell

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Crushing a Woman Layer by Layer

Rape, the word itself gives you chills and you instantly feel empathy towards the victim and anger towards the culprit. Rape crushes a woman completely but what happens when there is no physical assault but an assault on a woman’s soul. At birth, a child is a child. A child doesn’t know that he/she is

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