Does God Have a Right to Punish Me?

We all make mistakes in our life and being human empowered with the most superior brain on this earth we like to keep making those mistakes again and again. It’s our thing, to make mistakes and in God’s terminology, to commit Sins.  We have been taught since childhood that we should always do the right

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Turning 30, Single and A ………. Woman!

Many people have talked about being 30, feeling old and how miserable that feeling is. After all, you would be three decades old, that’s sounds like a lot. So, yes it can be a dreadful thought of entering into your midlife zone, even though I haven’t been there yet, I can feel what people turning

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Does He Truly Miss You?

Last week I met a long lost friend and was surprised that she was going back and forth for almost 1 year now after her relationship ended with her boyfriend. Since they broke up, surprisingly he has been saying “I’m missing you a lot”, “I can’t forget the times we have spent together”, “I can’t

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Are You Frustrated in Life Too?

I still have a picture of the day which seemed to me the happiest day of my life. I look at it every day to remind me of happiness and a hope that such a day will come again. A friend of mine was worried about her future, didn’t know whether she will get a

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Are Expectations Really Bad?

Nothing in life is permanent. We are born, we grow old and we die. Each second of our life is different from the rest of the seconds. I suppose the main reason for our suffering is this impermanence. We get attached to “stuff” so much that we cannot handle once it changes. Similarly, we get

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Love, Jealousy and Distrust

Things were going great, it felt like being on cloud 9 and suddenly life hit a rock. One word which all the relationships and marriages dread came into picture, jealousy and distrust. Almost all the relationships reach this stage at some point or the other, the partner is jealous and wrongly accuses you of something

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No Talking? Start Kissing!

No, this article is not about using your lips to kiss when they are unable to come up with words. It is a warning sign for couples who have forgotten to talk and are just filling the void by using lips to kiss. We all know the drill. You meet someone, you fall in love

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