Disconnected in the Connected World

Everybody was talking around me and laughing heartedly, yet I was unable to hear what they were saying. I was sitting among a crowd full of people and yet I felt lonely. I could see the lips moving but didn’t understand the words. I felt disconnected from the people, I felt disconnected from the external

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The Plight of an Insomniac Brain

I literally used to dread the morning alarm, its buzzing sound was so irritating that I decided to stop putting the alarm and let myself lie in bed for as much as my body demanded without bothering about the ticking clock. After all I was spending most of my nights tossing and turning in bed,

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What’s in the Looks?

“I really don’t care what she looks like. She should be a good person by heart. I will love her for who she is and not by her looks”, my friend said while describing about his future wife. Honestly, it sounds all good, after all looks shouldn’t really matter, but is it something we really

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To Care or Not to Care?

What stops an unhappy couple from getting divorce? What prevents someone from telling how annoying the other person is? What prevents someone who hates his job from quitting? To what extent our actions are based on the worries of what would others think? Eventually it comes down to just one thing, we all want approval

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