Can You Change a Man?

One word and the entire article can be summarized, NO. You simply cannot change a man and this is not only me talking, you have probably heard from almost everyone, even your grandma, “don’t try to change a man, if you want to be happy then just let him be”. Still we all try to

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Is First Love your True Love?

We read the story of Romeo and Juliet, think about the undying love they had for each other and start feeling that in fact first love is the true love. It might be for some but I personally feel that falling in love at an impressionable age can seriously damage your future love life. My

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The Never Ending Craving

  What is the Objective of Life? If you ask this question to different people, you will get different answers. Some might say – to earn a lot of money or to get a lot of fame, or to have a happy family. The most common answer in today’s time I suppose is to earn

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Best Reason to Use Condom

I always write something serious on my blog which can at times be boring to follow especially for people who like humor with their cup of coffee, not some marriage advice. So here is something fun yet important, one of the best condom ads ever. Let me know if you like it or not. I

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Do Marriages Make People Happier?

I’m still single and thus the thought always keeps coming to my mind, would I be happier if I were married? Everyone keeps talking about three main things in life, finding a good partner and marrying, having a high paid job and kids. Does that mean people who are not married are lacking something critical?

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Am I Allowed to Take a Break?

In every relation there comes a time when you wish to take a break and say, hey, “I need some space”. We do tend to believe that taking a break will hopefully make things better and maybe the other person will realize your importance when you are not around. But have you ever wondered that

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Flirt and Be Flattered!

It is obvious that as human beings our brains are wired to invite courtship through playful body language, conversation, posturing and physiological gesturing. Flirting is a very common way to express our interest in someone and in most of the cases is harmless as well. Flirting on the edges seems to be a very natural

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