Am I In Love?

Attraction, Lust, Idolization, Attachment, Bonding, these are the different stages of a relation. But when does true love come into existence? Psychologists have shown it takes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes to decide if you fancy someone. With an irresistible cocktail of chemicals, our brain entices our heart to fall in love. But some

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Do Age Gaps Really Matter in a Relation?

If we all were asked one question, “would you be comfortable having a relationship with a significantly older companion?” I’m sure most of us would say, age doesn’t matter when love is there. But are these words too good to be true?  The base of any successful relation according to me is compatibility. We all

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Are You Too Dependent on Your Partner?

Relationships is all about sharing and developing an eternal closeness. Sharing your intimate things, opening your heart and being completely transparent with your partner is in my view, the most profound type of sharing. This kind of deep sharing can be a boosting support for the future of a relationship. But do we tend to

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Is Your Spouse Your Lover or Friend?

One of the predominant rules of dating is that if you are tired of the other person, you cannot simply call and dump. It would be too cruel. So people have tried to make workarounds so as to make the entire episode feel less painful. The cliché “let’s be friends” lines, “I really like you

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Does Sex Have Any Age?

Many couples who are busy juggling jobs, managing children and domestic duties, at some point or the other become experts in dodging sexual contact with their partner. The arousal, heated passion and the erotic love making, becomes a casual routine sex and for most no sex at all. In most of the marriages that I

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Are There Any Rules in a Relationship?

Look around, you will find rules everywhere. School, work, church, home, every place has its own rules. Rules that we need to abide by – “don’t talk while eating”, “don’t speak during prayers”, “don’t litter on the road”, “don’t exceed the lunch hour”….and so on, the list never ends. We are taught since childhood not

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