Should You Adore or Fear Religion?

Humans are naturally awful creatures – aggressive, self obsessed, wild beasts that need to be tamed. If we were left to our own mind, we would rape, murder, and cheat through life while trampling on the weaker ones. Thankfully, we have the civilized guiding force of religion to steer us towards the right path so

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Whose Fault Is It Anyways?

Bible says: Let a woman learn in silence with full submission.  I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. If God only blamed the woman for opening the

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Why Do We Find Comfort in a Stranger?

If you have problem at work, relationship problem, an affair or sexual issues, who would you go and confide in? Your best friend? Your mom? Your spouse / partner? If you selected one of the above options, then answer this, when did you last share something really personal with him or her? Trust is a

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Is Loneliness Addictive?

I think I’m addicted to being lonely. I can go on for days cooped up in my room, mostly on my desk, typing, browsing, watching and occasionally looking out of the window to get an update on what’s going outside. I’m no social butterfly and I don’t intend to be one in future as well.

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Does love have an expiry date?

Every one of us has at one point of time fallen in love or so they think they have. It’s a wonderful feeling, isn’t it – amalgamation of all the feelings like anxiety, racing heart, panic, euphoria, sleeplessness, right? It feels amazing to be in love, to want to be with your lover all the

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What Is Happiness and Where Does it Come From?

‘Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.’ ~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Browsing through endless pictures of happy people on Instagram and Facebook makes me often wonder, are they really happy or is it just a made-up smile to look good in front of the camera.

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Why Cannot People Just Shut Up?

My mom calls me today early morning and says, “it’s been 3 days since we spoke, why don’t you call me more often?” I had no answer to that. What can I say when there is nothing-new happening, life is stuck in a daily monotonous syndrome with no updates and world news has pretty much

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Going Beyond “The One”

Recently I read the book, “A Severed Head” by Iris Murdoch. The book is a complicated narrative of marriage, adultery and guilt. Not a single character from the book comes out as virtuous and righteous, at least not according to the norms of society that we so strongly abide by. The story although will make

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Is There Science Behind Missing Someone?

Isolation has actually taken the feeling of “missing someone” to an entirely new level. If you are in quarantine and away from your loved one, you will correlate to what it means to be missing someone. “I just don’t feel myself without you”, a very simple statement says it all… To miss someone means you

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