Being Late to Work – Always!

Everyone once in a while is late to work, it’s understandable, you can get stuck in traffic, rains, lift, car broke down, etc. etc. Lots and lots of possibilities are there because the entire world seems to be conspiring against you from reaching to your holy workplace on time where for the next 10 hours

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Sexy or Provocative

I recently was approached by Glam Hunt to do a  write up for them. I thought what can I write that is witty, fashion related and also is confusing as I’m. So I picked up theme as fashionably sexy. Here is my first writeup Happy reading!

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New Forum For Confused Souls

Since I started writing this blog in 2011, I have received hundreds of messages from people who are confused and lost just as I used to be before I started penning down my thoughts here. Be it a romantic relationship, office issues or marital differences, confusions have haunted us at some or the other point

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The Murder of Peace!!!!

There is a constant chaos where I live…I don’t call it my house because I’m living with my husband’s parents so technically it’s their home.. From the moment you enter the house, chaos starts, someone is shouting on someone, someone is cribbing about something, no one really seems to be happy with each other. Family

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