Why Do I Hate Human Species?
Having lived as a human for almost 40 years, I have come to the following conclusion: Humans are the worst creation of God for those who believe in the theory of God creating the Universe. Humans are the worst form of evolution, so bad that living species stopped evolving after that, this is for the
What do women really want from men in the 21st century?
This question has been answered countless times, and yet still remains a mystery. Honestly, I also don’t know the answer to it because what I personally want will change from situation to situation. However, one thing that I know for sure is the fact that women don’t want the silly things these rom-coms have been
Is it Time to Get Rid of the “Happily Ever After” Myth and Embrace Romantic Realism?
Disney continues to make movies based around princes and princesses who eventually get married after lots of issues and live happily ever after. The movie always ends with 2 lead characters finding their soulmates who bring about happiness in their lives and magically make every problem vanish. However, every such movie that has a sequel
What’s the Difference Between Believing in a Religion and Being Religious?
Walk into a typical muslim household and you would without fail find the following things: A big frame with some prayer / verse written in Arabic Elderly from the house reading Quran, Namaz or with prayer beads in hand depending on the time of the day Strong bukhur smell coming from the diffuser Tea and
Do Women Really Want Gender Equality?
The world has been making huge progress towards gender equality. More women are taking up college degrees, working in top corporations and even taking up originally presumed as male appropriate jobs. Even in parliament, women have started taking up major cabinet posts that give them both authority and power. However, there is one realm where