Whose Child Is It, Anyways?

A child – One of the most precious gifts of God. From the moment he is born, he fills our hearts with happiness and joy. But whose child is it anyways? God Says – It is mine coz I have sent him from heaven directly in to the mother’s womb. At least that’s what happened

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The Greatest Feeling – Let Go and Be Stronger

“Most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities.” ~Dalai Lama We all want to be happy, feel good about our lives, and yet we get attached to things that bring us nothing but grief and pain. A job, home or friends, there

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Baby Naming Conundrum

I’m going to be a first time mother soon, in approximately 7-8 days and we are faced with the first of the many problems – Naming of our child.  Ideally, choosing our own baby’s name should have been a fun, inspired endeavor, but we are facing the worst of the baby naming problems. Too many

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In Search of the Long Lost Love

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” – It is a famous line from ‘Forrest Gump’. It is so true though, we always keep planning things only to encounter the most unplanned incidents in the path. Today was a day which gave me recall of a

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Acid Attack, Really? Have Men Fallen This Low?

Are you betrayed in love by someone? Did someone reject your proposal? Well here is the solution, “Buy our cheap acid and throw it on face of the person hurting you”. This could easily be the marketing mantra for people who are selling acids in general stores. After all it is a cheap product, the

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Did Education Really Help Me?

“When Students cheat on exams it’s because our School System values grades more than Students value learning.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson During my entire education lifespan I have been a brilliant student, always performing well, getting highest grades and not to mention I was the modal student for all teachers. I have many awards and

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Sex Scandals and Fantasies!

“Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn reverence for life until we know how to understand sex.”  -Henry Ellis Sex scandals are happening almost every day. News is filled with endless account of possibly normal people who have turned into criminals due to their sexuality. The stories of childhood sex

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Do We Need Another Renaissance Movement?

I have never shared a lot of personal things about myself on this blog, but due to some recent happenings I couldn’t stop myself from sharing some things. I was born and raised in a Muslim family. My mother is a strict religious person and she never even likes to hear anything against Islam even if inside

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