Did Education Really Help Me?
“When Students cheat on exams it’s because our School System values grades more than Students value learning.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson During my entire education lifespan I have been a brilliant student, always performing well, getting highest grades and not to mention I was the modal student for all teachers. I have many awards and
Sex Scandals and Fantasies!
“Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn reverence for life until we know how to understand sex.” -Henry Ellis Sex scandals are happening almost every day. News is filled with endless account of possibly normal people who have turned into criminals due to their sexuality. The stories of childhood sex
Do We Need Another Renaissance Movement?
I have never shared a lot of personal things about myself on this blog, but due to some recent happenings I couldn’t stop myself from sharing some things. I was born and raised in a Muslim family. My mother is a strict religious person and she never even likes to hear anything against Islam even if inside