Many couples who are busy juggling jobs, managing children and domestic duties, at some point or the other become experts in dodging sexual contact with their partner. The arousal, heated passion and the erotic love making, becomes a casual routine sex and for most no sex at all. In most of the marriages that I have witnessed, with kids, demanding job and other responsibilities, sex gets lost somewhere. Why is it that the most important thing that bonded the marriage in the first place, becomes the least important thing in life once you cross a certain age?

Not being married myself, I really couldn’t understand the factor that was keeping the couples away. Then I got to talk to many married couples and found different responses. But there was one important thing, its absence caused a tension to always be present in their marriage. Usually the husband thinks, “Will it happen today?” and the wife thinks, “Can I push it to another day?” or the wife thinks, “Is he not attracted to me anymore?” and the husband feels “Will I be able to perform well?” In some circumstances, one or the other partner was not even able to get an orgasm or when it did come it was not as exciting as it used to be.

Any marriage or a relation always starts off as the ideal couple, like Romeo and Juliet, full of passion and romance. Then as time goes by, you become like everybody else and keep wondering what went wrong coz we were so much in love when we began. There is always something or the other coming up like job pressure, house loans, kids homework, which really wears you out so much that you prefer to dodge the act of love making with your partner.

Most couples end up seeing sex as an exhaustive activity like rest of them. What they fail to realize is that sex is an act of love making, an act of passion, where you let go all your stress and just flow in the moment to high levels of excitement and fun. I agree that there can be times when you are really tired and wouldn’t want to do it, but I still suggest you to make an effort to keep the ship sailing. There is no age for making love to your spouse. You are meant to be together for your life and well, sex comes with the package of marriage. So why not keep the heat burning till it lasts. Why not put oil to your rusted marriage and bring the spark back.

There is no point in dodging the act every time, if you want a successful marriage and not just a marriage for namesake, then there is just one mantra – Do it!


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